format specifiers in python

Format Specifiers in Python

Python provides format specifiers for formatting strings, numbers, and other data types. These specifiers can be used with f-strings (f""), the format() method, or % formatting.

1. Integer Formatting

Format Description Example
%d or {} Integer (decimal) print(f"{100:d}")100
%o or {:#o} Octal representation print(f"{100:o}")144
%x or {:#x} Hexadecimal (lowercase) print(f"{100:x}")64
%X or {:#X} Hexadecimal (uppercase) print(f"{100:X}")64
%b or {:#b} Binary representation print(f"{100:b}")1100100


num = 100
print(f"Decimal: {num:d}")
print(f"Binary: {num:b}")
print(f"Octal: {num:o}")
print(f"Hexadecimal: {num:X}")


Decimal: 100
Binary: 1100100
Octal: 144
Hexadecimal: 64

2. Floating-Point Formatting

Format Description Example
%f or {} Floating point with n decimal places print(f"{3.14159:.2f}")3.14
%e or {} Scientific notation (lowercase) print(f"{3.14159:.2e}")3.14e+00
%E or {:.nE} Scientific notation (uppercase) print(f"{3.14159:.2E}")3.14E+00
%g or {} Auto chooses %f or %e based on value print(f"{3.14159:.3g}")3.14


pi = 3.14159265358979
print(f"Default: {pi}")
print(f"2 Decimal Places: {pi:.2f}")
print(f"Scientific Notation: {pi:.2e}")
print(f"Compact: {pi:.3g}")


Default: 3.14159265358979
2 Decimal Places: 3.14
Scientific Notation: 3.14e+00
Compact: 3.14

3. String Formatting

Format Description Example
%s or {} String print(f"{'Python'}")Python
%r or {!r} Raw string (repr) print(f"{'Hello!':!r}")'Hello!'
%c Character from ASCII print(f"{65:c}")A


text = "Hello"
print(f"Normal: {text}")
print(f"Repr: {text!r}")
print(f"ASCII Character: {65:c}")


Normal: Hello
Repr: 'Hello'
ASCII Character: A

4. Aligning and Padding

Format Description Example
{:<n} Left-align print(f"{'Hi':<10}")'Hi '
{:>n} Right-align print(f"{'Hi':>10}")' Hi'
{:^n} Center-align print(f"{'Hi':^10}")' Hi '
{:0n} Zero-padding print(f"{42:05}")00042


name = "Python"
print(f"Left: {name:<10}-End")
print(f"Right: {name:>10}-End")
print(f"Center: {name:^10}-End")
print(f"Zero-Padded: {42:05}")


Left: Python    -End
Right:     Python-End
Center:   Python  -End
Zero-Padded: 00042

5. Percentage Formatting

Format Description Example
% Converts to percentage print(f"{0.85:.0%}")85%


discount = 0.25
print(f"Discount: {discount:.0%}")


Discount: 25%

6. Comma Separators for Large Numbers

Format Description Example
:, Adds comma separators print(f"{1000000:,}")1,000,000


big_number = 1000000
print(f"Formatted Number: {big_number:,}")


Formatted Number: 1,000,000

7. Custom Number Base Formatting

Format Description Example
{:#b} Binary with 0b prefix print(f"{10:#b}")0b1010
{:#o} Octal with 0o prefix print(f"{10:#o}")0o12
{:#x} Hexadecimal with 0x prefix print(f"{10:#x}")0xa


Python format specifiers enhance readability and make data representation flexible. Mastering them is crucial for clean, readable code! 🚀

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